I recently came across this charming animated short, created in 1964 by Gyula Macskássy's Budapest based animation studio: 'Pannonia Film Studio' (the largest animation studio in Hungary).
For me, this animation ticks all the boxes: I love the design of the characters and the backgrounds. I love the way that a sweet and simple story is told in a way that is so inventive and surreal. I love how the animation can be understood by people of any age and any language, so that they too may be won over by its charm and its wit in the same way that I have.
A DVD had gotten released in Hungary recently showcasing a good deal of Gyula Macskássy's early work including "Romantikus történet" (Romantic Story) seen above. One of my personal favs I have not seen in a long time is called "Ceruza és radír" (Pencil & Eraser), though another noted one is "Párbaj" (Duel).